With as hot as it gets here in Tempe and Phoenix, we often look for any excuse to get ourselves and our families out of town to somewhere cooler for a little while. This can also mean the proverbial "road trip", which can, in turn, mean games of some sort to keep the family occupied during the drive. One type of these games that's always popular is trivia, and when you're on the road it's often an automobile related trivia game.

I don't know about your group or family, but when we play a trivia game there always seems to be one player who's way too smart for their own good. I say it's time to help each other even the odds a bit by having a resource we can call up on our phones or tablets where we share the kind of weird car facts it takes to finally win some solid points during the game.

That's the goal of this site, to help us network together in a fun way to give us an unfair advantage in these little skirmishes when needed. Join in, won't you! :)